Lets get you registered
If you have been provided a special Member Key, put the text in this box. The Member Key is a special once only key unique to you and will assist you in the joining process. Please note, for existing customers the member key is not your account number. For new customers, please leave this box empty and continue to fill out the fields below.
Membership Details
Please supply a valid email address. This will be your login and all club subscriptions, receipts & winnings notifications will go to this address. Add @aiwcclub.com to your safe senders list.
The Password must be at least 6 characters long, and must be include at least one upper & lower case letter and one numeric digit.
Personal Details
You must be 18 years or over to be an AIWC CLUB Member.
Start typing your residential address, starting with your street number, we will use our auto address tool to find you
Contact Details
We need one phone to contact you in case of any transaction errors or processing of payments or club winnings allocations.
*Note, as a member, you can change your subscription preferences from your account
screen, to opt-in or opt-out of individual club email announcements at any time.
Click here for any questions or enquiries